Author News

Where an aspiring writer shares her reading journey and interviews published authors.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

August TBR List

August has been a busy month so far...farmwork, yardwork, housework and a bit of gardening, although I didn't raise much besides flowers and a "cuke" or two this year. In between it all, I've been doing some Bible Study and tackling my to-be-read stack. Since I can't seem to stick with just one book at a time, I'm presently immersed in three books: Dale Cramer's Paradise Valley; Dan Walsh's The Deepest Waters, and Kathleen Morgan's A Heart Divided.

Cramer's book, Book One in The Daughters of Caleb Bender series, is a fictional story based on true events that involved several Amish families in Ohio  accused of violating the Bing Act of 1920 - a law that required all children to attend public schools. After spending several nights in jail and having his children removed from the family home, Caleb Bender, Amish husband and father in Cramer's story, decides to move his family to Paradise Valley, Mexico to protect them and their Amish way of life from outside influences. Can't wait to see how a family used to living without most "modern" conveniences (in the 1920's) learns to live with even less. God often uses adversity to bring us closer to Him, and I'm sure Cramer will deliver that message beautifully.

The heroine of Morgan's book truly deals with a heart divided when she falls in love with -according to her father and brothers - the enemy! A decades-long feud between the Caldwell and Wainwright families is making Sarah Caldwell miserable, yet she can't help the fact that she loves all the men involved. Hmmmm. How will this one end?

Tragedy strikes in the first chapter of Walsh's book when the steamship carrying John and Laura Foster sinks in the Deepest Waters of the Atlantic. Laura survives, but where is John? Once again, the story is based on true events, with much added to make the story. I perused the author's notes at the end of the book before reading the first chapter. Spoiler alert! Don't do it. :) I peeked because of my interest in stories based on true events, but there's a reason those notes are at the end!

Must add: Since I so enjoyed Nicole Seitz's book last month, I also read her The Inheritance of Beauty. Wonderful story. I'll be reading more of her books, I think.

Others in my tbr stack:

Spirit of the Red Candle Journal of Mary Magdalene  by Betty Slade
The Heart's Frontier  by Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith
A Great Catch  by Lorna Seilstad
The Captive Heart by Dale Cramer (book 2 in The Daughters of Caleb Bender series)
Come Home by Lisa Scottoline

What have you read this month? I'd love to hear recommendations from your just-read stack!

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